- The resident is Fully Vaccinated and 14 days Past the Last dose
- The visitor(s) is/are Fully Vaccinated and 14 days past from the Last dose
- If the resident has roommate, the roommate must be Fully vaccinated and 14 days past from the last dose as well
- All parties must wear face mask at all times (residents as tolerated) and contact is allowed at this time.
- Visitors must do hand hygiene before they entering/leaving resident rooms.
- ONLY Two family members are permitted to visit a resident at a time (no children less than 16 years old inside residents’ room at this time)
- Visitors are not allowed to wander around the facility, touch or give items to other residents on the units. Visitors must remain in the rooms at all times.
- 1 East Restrooms are designated for visitors during visiting hours. Please do not use rest rooms on the units, in resident rooms or other locations.
- Visiting hours are 11am to 7pm.
- Residents who are Fully Vaccinated and 14 days past their last dose of vaccination may have SLOA (Therapeutic leave of absence) with responsible party and DO NOT NEED to be quarantined.
- No change on compassionate care visits
December 18, 2020 Dear Family Member: This has been a very difficult year with the COVID-19 pandemic, but I am pleased to share some good news. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has found a COVID-19 vaccine to be safe and effective, and our facility will be able to give the vaccine to residents. This is very encouraging news. We will begin giving the vaccine to residents on January 7, 8, 28 and 29, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Marian Manor. We need a signed consent form for the pharmacy to administer the vaccine to your loved one. You can either sign the form and submit a scanned copy, or you can send an email saying you consent on behalf of your loved one to receive the vaccine. Either form of consent should be sent to kanderson@marianmanor.org. There will be no costs to get the vaccine.
We encourage as many residents as possible to get this vaccine. The elderly have a much higher risk for getting very sick, being hospitalized, or dying from COVID-19. The vaccine has been shown to provide a great deal of protection against serious illness due to COVID-19. The more residents that get vaccinated, the better we can protect our community against potential outbreaks and save lives.This vaccine has gone through testing and clinical trials to ensure it meets the highest safety standards. It also is safe to get if you already had the virus. The health and safety of our residents is always our top priority, and we are confident this vaccine is a much better option than the risk of getting this virus.
Please read the attached EUA fact sheet and contact Kahoney Anderson at kanderson@marianmanor.org or 617-701-1331with any questions. Potential side effects are listed on the fact sheet. You will find that these side effects are similar to the potential side effects of the flu shot, but they occur more frequently. The vaccine requires two doses. Residents will need to get both doses to ensure the best results. The second dose will be given approximately 21 to 28 days after the first dose. We will continue to take all necessary precautions after the vaccine is administered, including wearing personal protective equipment and conducting regular testing, to ensure the safety of our residents and staff. We will also work with public health officials to determine how and when to adjust our policies for visitations and social activities and keep you updated.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are hopeful that the vaccine will be a lifesaving turning point in the fight against COVID-19. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. You may also visit www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines to learn more about the vaccine. Best, Kahoney Anderson, Administrator 130 Dorchester Street . South Boston, MA 02127-2699 Phone: 617-268-3333 . Fax: 617-268-4589 . www.marianmanor.org M arian Manor Where care means caring
November 13, 2020
To Residents and Families,
We are pleased to report that the state has updated their regulations as it relates to visitors to nursing homes. This is welcome news to all of us – we know how challenging it has been to our residents and their family and friends to have experienced the past three months with no visitation. The guidance issued by the state officials is designed to allow us to move forward cautiously, with a continued focus on public health, infection control and the safety of our residents. As a result, visitation will be limited to meet the regulations issued by the state. The blow outlines our process:
·Who can receive visitors?
Any resident who is free of signs/symptoms of COVID-19 or has recovered from COVID-19 can have visitors. Residents (or their healthcare proxy) can determine who is allowed to visit them.
·When will visitation happen?
Monday – Friday 9:50am – 12pm, 2pm – 4pm, and 4:40pm – 6:00pm
Sunday 9:50am – 12pm, 2pm – 4pm
At this time, visits will be limited to 45 minutes (can occur once a week or rotation and must happen by appointment).
To schedule a visit, call 617-268-3333 x 1373 and ask for Gay Sheldon, Director of Activity.
·Where will visits occur?
They will happen in an outdoor space; as a result, if weather is inclement or sufficient outdoor space is not available, we may need to reschedule visits.
Indoor visits subject to change per DPH/Epidemiology recommendations based on covid situation.
·How will staff support the residents?
A staff member will support the resident in getting to the designated meeting space, as well as staying with the resident to assure that all appropriate resident safety and infection control.
·What steps are in place to assure that visits happen safely?
We are taking a number of steps to assure that we maintain physical distancing and infection control best practices. This includes:
oOnly 2 visitors per resident are allowed at a time
oAll visitors will be screened for fever, respiratory and other symptoms; visitors with symptoms will not be allowed in the facility
oInformation regarding visitors and/or any symptoms will be recorded per state requirement
oDesignated staff will monitor visitation to assure for compliance with safety and infection control best practices
oStaff and residents will wear surgical face masks, visitors will wear a face covering or mask
oNo personal property (outside of cellphone or keys) will be allowed to be brought into the facility
·What happens if I get sick after my visit?
Any individual who develops signs or symptoms of COVID-19 within 2 days of the visit will notify the facility
We know you join us in understanding that these protocols are necessary in maintaining the health and safety of our residents. Thank you in advance for your patience; given the pent up demand for visitation and some limitations in our outdoor space, there may be some logistical challenges. The team will work hard to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.
On behalf of the entire team, we appreciate your continued support.
Sr Stephen, CEO
Kahoney Anderson, Administrator
June 3, 2020
To Residents and Families,
We are pleased to report that the state has updated their regulations as it relates to visitors to nursing homes. This is welcome news to all of us – we know how challenging it has been to our residents and their family and friends to have experienced the past three months with no visitation. The guidance issued by the state officials is designed to allow us to move forward cautiously, with a continued focus on public health, infection control and the safety of our residents. As a result, visitation will be limited to meet the regulations issued by the state. The below outlines our process:
- Who can receive visitors?
Any resident who is free of signs/symptoms of COVID-19 or has recovered from COVID-19 can have visitors. Residents (or their healthcare proxy) can determine who is allowed to visit them.
- When will visitation happen?
Visits can happen Monday – Friday, between 10am – 12pm and 2pm – 4pm for the nursing home residents and Sunday for the rest home. At this time, visits will be limited to 30 minutes (10 minutes allotted for transport and cleaning), can occur once a week, and must happen by appointment.
- Where will visits occur?
They will happen in an outdoor space; as a result, if weather is inclement or sufficient outdoor space is not available, we may need to reschedule visits.
- How will staff support the residents?
A staff member will support the resident in getting to the designated meeting space, as well as staying with the resident to assure that all appropriate resident safety and infection control.
- What steps are in place to assure that visits happen safely?
We are taking a number of steps to assure that we maintain physical distancing and infection control best practices. This includes:
- Only 2 visitors per resident are allowed at a time
- All visitors will be screened for fever, respiratory and other symptoms; visitors with symptoms will not be allowed in the facility
- Information regarding visitors and/or any symptoms will be recorded per state requirement
- Designated staff will monitor visitation to assure for compliance with safety and infection control best practices
- Staff and residents will wear surgical face masks, visitors will wear a face covering or mask
- No personal property (outside of cellphone or keys) will be allowed to be brought into the facility
- What happens if I get sick after my visit?
Any individual who develops signs or symptoms of COVID-19 within 2 days of the visit will notify the facility
We know you join us in understanding that these protocols are necessary in maintaining the health and safety of our residents. Thank you in advance for your patience; given the pent up demand for visitation and some limitations in our outdoor space, there may be some logistical challenges. The team will work hard to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.
On behalf of the entire team, we appreciate your continued support.
Sr Stephen, CEO
Kahoney Anderson, Administrator
If you wish to visit a loved one, please contact Laura LeFebvre, Recreation Director at 617-268-3333 x 1373.
Visitation hours: Monday – Friday from 10am – 12pm and 2pm – 4pm.
Visits are scheduled by units, please do not visit unless you have an appointment.
Update on Covid-19 Status at Marian Manor
Click here to download our latest update on Marian Manor and the Covid-19 Status
Update on Covid-19 Status at Maria
n Manor
Marian Manor 130 Dorchester St. South Boston, MA, 02127
Dear Residents and Families,
Marian Manor is updating our residents, staff and family on the response to COVID-19. With the increased availability of testing, the recognition that many asymptomatic individuals are COVID-19 positive and the Commonwealth entering the “surge” period (when positive diagnosis and inpatient hospitalizations are at their peak), the Department of Public Health is now recommending that skilled nursing facilities test all residents. These tests are distributed and conducted by trained medical personnel; DPH has partnered with the MA National Guard in this effort. Testing will be conducted at Marian Manor between April 22, 2020 -April 29, 2020, and results are anticipated within several days.
As you know, the leadership and staff at Marian Manor have been taking aggressive steps to support the health of our residents during the current COVID-19 pandemic. This includes aggressive infection control, steps to support social distancing and limited non-essential contact among residents and staff, monitoring of staff for symptoms, and testing for all symptomatic residents who meet state guidelines for testing. The clinical and support staff have been following Department of Public Health (DPH), City of Boston, and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance in this effort.
Several residents and staff at Marian Manor have been diagnosed with the COVID-19. All symptomatic staff are on sick leave until their isolation period ends or they have been symptom free for 72 hours, whichever comes later.
We are and will continue to do all in our power to contain the situation and protect the residents and staff who are so dear to us.
Thank you.
Sr. Stephen, CEO
Kahoney Anderson, Administrator
Family and Loved ones
COVID-19 Visitation Restriction Letter
Marian Manor 130 Dorchester St. South Boston, MA, 02127
In light of the heightened risk in Boston of the effects of COVID-19 virus, and the significant threat it poses to the elderly, we must take aggressive steps to protect our residents from threats from the Community.
Accordingly, Marian Manor shall be implementing necessary restrictions on visitation inside our walls by vendors, salesmen, outside entertainers, contractors, delivery personnel, friends and family members.
Effective Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, eligibility and mandatory confidential health screenings (which may include taking temperatures) shall occur for the FEW individuals who will be allowed admission to the facility, such as hospice workers, physicians and/or licensed state inspectors. Visitors with a resident/loved one whose current health status (e.g. end-of-life care) is in question, please have front desk contact a member of the administration team to grant access.
We strongly hope for your support to protect our frail elders. This letter/email is being sent to Responsible Parties designated by our residents. Please alert your other family members and friends to eliminate their disappointment on being turned away at the door. If desired, through the Social Services staff, we can set up a time frame to ‘skype’ or Facetime with your loved one.
Routine medical appointments have been rescheduled to minimize potential high risk contact by our residents. Entertainers have been rescheduled. “Outings” scheduled by our staff and outings considered by family with their loved ones should be postponed until further notice.
This year's Annual 300 "Plus" Club, which was originally scheduled for April 19, 2020 has been postponed until further notice.
We hope these restrictions shall be lifted as soon as our City is cleared of heightened threats. Please feel free to contact our administration team with any questions.
To learn more about
Marian Manor
Please select from the numbers below to request information, schedule a tour, career information, contact a resident and more.
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(617) 268-3333
(857) 345-0297
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